Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ki by Kara


Ki leaves were used to make rain capes, hula skirts, and sandals. 

Ki leaves were used to wrap bait. In the hukilau, they used leaf fronds to lure the fish into the net.

Ki was sacred to Lono, the god. When Kahuna wore the leaves around his neck, it was a sign of high rank or divine power.  

The juice from the pounded root was used to stain surfboards. 

Ki leaves were used for hales, and the temple for the god Lono.

The leaves were dipped in the cold spring water, and placed on the forehead to relieve headaches. They were used for backaches, and sore muscles.

Food Service
Leaves were used for laulau, fish, and other meats, and placed in the imu. They were also used to store pa'i'ai. Cut leaves were used for cups and plates.  

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