Thursday, July 11, 2013

Papahana Kuaola by Aidan and Elizabeth

Here are some things we learned while at Papahana Kuaola.

1. What Ahupuaʻa are we in?

  When we were at the Papahana Kuaola we were in the Ahupuaʻa of Heʻeia.

2. How is this loʻi similar to the uh loʻi? different?

They both have kalo, they are both funded by schools, and they both have mythology associated with it. They have similar creatures such as guppies, tadpoles, toads, and crayfish, and they were both made to preserve Hawaiian culture.

They are different because UH is stream fed PK is spring fed. UH is older and smaller, while PK is newer and bigger. UH is based specifically on kalo and PK has many variety of plants. The kalo grew together in dry mounds, but in UH they were in separate wet mounds. PK grew fish as well, while UH did not. PK has a pond to swim and wash off in, UH only has a stream. PK has not been fully restored yet, UH has.

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