Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paper Making by Kate and Steve

Paper Making 7/10 

Today we made paper. The first paper was made in Egypt.

The paper we made was made with bread ginger's body, recycled paper, lye, mother-in-law tongue, and water.

  1. First, we shredded papers and cardboard into small pieces. 
  2. Next, we cut bread ginger and mother-in-law tongue's body into little pieces. 
  3. Under a towel, we used a mallet and hammered it to separate the fibers.  

  4. Then we boiled it with lye until the color was brown.
  5. Then we took the boiled fiber out and blended it with onion skin and pulp.
  6. After blending, our teacher poured it into a water bucket.
  7. Next our class used the deco to scoop the final mixture. 
  8. Each person took the top part off the deco and flipped it onto a cheesecloth.
  9. The water got soaked out by the sponge.                       
  10. We dried the paper by sticking the paper on the window. We rolled the paper onto the window (cheesecloth faced up).
  11. Remove the cheesecloth and let the paper dry.
  12. The paper will be dry the next day. Using a plastic card, scrape the paper off the window.
Define the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 
Reduce: to make the amount smaller.
Reuse: using something again and again.
Recycle: making something that is not useable into a useable thing.
What are some ways to use paper? 
To write on.
To print something on.
Making origami, postcard, and decorations.   

What are some ideas of items to reduce, reuse, and/or recycle?
Reuse Cans as a pencil holder
Capricious into wallets

Something that you could only use it once
Water- Not using a lot of water by washing hands
Electricity- Not using electronics a lot
Trees- Not using a lot of paper

Glass as a new glass
Plastic water bottle to something made out of plastic

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